• scmnepal@gmail.com

Church Construction

Evangelism & Church Planting


“Church Planting is ultimate goal of ‘Mission for Tribes and Nations’ because it aligns with the very purpose for which Jesus Christ came to this sinful world. In Matthew 16:18, He proclaims, ‘And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.

Jesus envisions a church where His name is glorified, and His kingdom is established. Consequently, He instructed His disciples to go to all nations to bear witness to Him. 

We firmly hold that a Church isn’t confined to physical structures; it is a community of believers. However, in a country like Nepal, buildings provide not only protection but also a gathering place for Christ’s followers to come together for worship, learning, prayer, and mutual support. Thus, we undertake the construction of churches to facilitate these essential aspects of Christian community.”

"Here are some pictures of churches we've built with the help of our kind supporters"

Nawalparasi District (Under-construction)
Bara District (Under-construction)
Salyan district
Surkhet District
Nawalparasi district
North India
Nawalparasi District
Makawanpur district